What to Know About Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can be a lot of different things. Broadly speaking, physical therapy is a treatment plan to help a patient reach a goal through performing various movements, exercises, heat treatment, stretches, or massage. The individual goals and benefits vary based on the person, and may include a number of different methods on a schedule, once, or ongoing care.
Why do people choose physical therapy? There are many reasons.
Recover from an injury.
Often physical therapy is a way to recover from an injury. The therapy aims to minimize damage, or even return you back to normal after the healing process.
Avoid surgery.
Physical therapy can sometimes help people avoid surgery by eliminating pain or gaining strength in the problem area.
Heal after surgery.
Post-surgery, physical therapy may be ordered by a doctor to ensure that the area heals properly and rebuilds the balance and control a person needs to keep their quality of life.
Reduce or avoid pain medication.
In the midst of our country’s opioid crisis, many people are looking for alternatives to taking heavy duty pain medication. Physical therapy may help you avoid this type of medication, which means reduced risk and reduced side effects while still getting relief.
Increase range of motion.
Range of motion can wane as we age or deal with other musculoskeletal issues. Physical therapy is often used to increase range of motion and maintain or improve occupational skills.
Regain abilities after a stroke.
Having a stroke can leave a person at square one when it comes to certain physical and cognitive abilities. Physical therapy addresses the physical side, helping a person regain the ability to care for themselves and interact with the world.
Manage other diseases and age-related concerns.
Many people use physical therapy to improve balance and reduce the chance of falling. It’s also a common treatment included in diabetes management, especially in dealing with loss of sensation or circulation in hands and feet.
At Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation, our team uses a modern physical therapy approach to get you healthy and pain-free, enhancing your quality of life. Rehabilitation includes a personalized treatment plan with our collaborative methods, working together to help you achieve pain relief and wellness goals. Our philosophy is to use our medical knowledge, expertise, and experience to ensure your best health. We even utilize the latest cybex testing and strengthening equipment to assist treatment.
Conditions treated with physical therapy:
● Neck and back pain
● Post-surgical rehabilitation including rotator cuff surgery as well as neck and back disc surgery and fusions
● Balance and vestibular problems
● Sports injuries
● Total joint/partial joint replacement rehabilitation
● Work injuries and return to work rehabilitation
● Motor vehicle accidents
● Carpal tunnel syndrome
● Multiple sclerosis
● Thoracic outlet syndrome
Are you looking for a qualified physical therapist? Contact us! We’re happy to answer any questions you have about our services or treatments related to your specific ailments. Stop in to Denville Medical Sports & Rehabilitation Center at 161 East Main Street, Route 53 in Denville or
call (973) 627-7888 Thank you!