Acupuncture helps relieve pain without medication. Their main focus is to restore harmony and energetic balance by stimulating your body’s natural healing components. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain is caused by the stagnation of Qi (energy), Xue (blood) and blockage of meridians (the cause of pain). Through relaxation, our acupuncturists activate certain points to reduce pain, increase stress relief, balance hormones, and increase immunity, endorphins, and energy, all while improving sleep and digestion. In whole, by removing the blockages along the body’s meridian pathways, pain is relieved while Qi and Xue are restored.
During the first relaxing visit, expect a warm greeting and holistic approach to understanding your pain points and establish a treatment plan that’s right for you.
Having your mind in line with your body in a positive way, navigates optimal results. Patients typically feel relief with acupuncture between the 1st and 4th treatment, while others, with more chronic conditions, may need a couple of additional treatments.
Call (973) 627-7888 or Click Here To Schedule An Appointment with one of our Experienced Acupuncturist
Rationale: Rule out or confirm impaired nerve transmission to muscles
Treatment: Manual Procedures, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
In cupping therapy, a therapist places cups on your skin to create suction. This therapeutic practice helps with pain, inflammation, and blood flow.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary therapy.
*Note: Although you can receive Acupuncture solely, our experts found that patients who combine their care with our other services reach maximum medical improvement faster and maintain results longer. Acupuncture is best coupled with Chiropractic Care and Physical Therapy, for many conditions. Acupuncturists reduce physical and mental stress by stimulating nerve function, while Physical Therapists help increase flexibility and lymph flow while building strong muscles to maintain proper structure and Chiropractors help increase joint mobility and increase nerve function. Ask us now if coupled treatment is right for you.
Call us at (973) 627-7888 or request an appointment here